Snipers I gathered up all this material for those who wanted to know more about snipers in Stalingrad. The name given to the character in " Enemy of the Gates " to the famous sniper was Vassili Zaitsev. Below is an excerpt on Vassili Zaitsev. Other snipers that made the name in Stalingrad included Anatoly Chekov. Taken from the bestselling book Stalingrad:
the fateful Siege 1942-1943 Information "Sniperism" "The best-equipped Soviet soldiers were the snipers. Little was denied them. Out in the snowfields of the steppe in their white camouflage suits, they operated in pairs, one with a telescope and the other with the long-range rifle. They- crawled forward at night into no man's land, where they dug snow-holes and hides from which to watch and shoot. Their casualty rates were much higher than in the city, because they had fewer choices for concealment and lines of escape.But the 'sniper movement ' still attracted more volunteers than it could train or use." Vassili Zaitsev The most famous sniper of them all, although not the highest scorer, was Zaitsev in Batyuk's division, who, during the October Revolution celebrations, raised his tally of kills to 149 Germans. (He had promised to achieve 150, but was one short.) The highest scorer, identified only as `Zikan', killed 224 Germans by 20 November. For the 62nd Army-, the taciturn Zaitsev, a shepherd from the foothillsof the Urals, represented much more than any sporting hero. News of further additions to his score passed from mouth to mouth along the front. Zaitsev, whose name means hare in Russian, was put in charge of training
young snipers, and his pupils became known as zaichata, or `leverets'.
This was the start of the `sniper movement' in the 62nd Armv. Conferences
were arranged to spread the doctrine of `sniperism', and exchange ideas
on technique. The Don and SouthWest Fronts took up the `sniper movement',
and produced their star shots, such as Sergeant Passar of 21st Armvy.
Especially proud of his head shots, he was credited with 103 kills. All the star snipers had their own techniques and favourite hiding places.
`Noble sniper' Ilin, who was credited with `185 Fritzes', sometimes used
an old barrel, or pipe, as a hide. Ilin, a commissar from a Guards rifle
regiment, operated on the Red October sector. `Fascists should know the
strength of weapons in the hands of Soviet supermen,' he proclaimed, promising
to train ten other snipers.
Taken from the bestselling book Stalingrad:
the fateful Siege 1942-1943
Anatoly Chekov One day, he took Grossman with him. The easiest, and most regular, targets were the soldiers who brought forward food containers to the front-line positions. It was not long before an infantryman on ration detail appeared. Using the telescopic sight, Chekov aimed two inches above the tip of the nose. The German soldier fell backwards, dropping the food container. Chekov quivered with excitement. A second soldier appeared. Chekov shot him. Then a third German crawled forward. Chekov killed him too. `Three,' Chekov murmured to himself. The full score would be noted down later. His best was seventeen kills in two days. Shooting a man carrying water-bottles was a bonus, Chekov remarked, since it forced others to drink polluted water. Grossman posed the question whether this boy, who dreamed of foreign parts and `who `wouldn't hurt a fly', was not `a saint of the Patriotic War'. Taken from the bestselling book Stalingrad:
the fateful Siege 1942-1943 Other Weapon experts Anti tank guns Manenkov of 95th Rifle Division became renowned with the long and unwieldly PTR (anti-tank) rifle. He became a Hero of the Soviet Union after destroying six tanks in the fighting round the Barrikady gun factory. Grenades A Lieutenant Vinogradov in 149th Artillery Division hecalnc famous as the best grenade thrower. When he and twenty-six men were cut off without food for three days, the first message Vinogradov passed back was a request for grenades, not rations. Even when wounded and deaf, Vinogradov was `still the best Fritz-hunter'. He once managed to stalk and kill a German company commander and take his papers from the corpse.
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