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Author: Jurgen Rohwer

384 pages Revised edition (April 1999)
United States Naval Inst.
ISBN: 1557500290
Dimensions (in inches): 1.31 x 7.41 x 8.89

Explanatory Notes
Abbreviations and Symbols
I Atlantic Ocean/North Sea 1
II Northern Theatre 196
III Baltic Sea 214
IV Black Sea 218
V Mediterranean Sea 223
VI Indian Ocean/South African Theatre 257
VII Pacific Ocean 278
Index of Submarines 293
Index of Commanding Officers 300
Index of Convoys 309
Index of Ships Attacked 318
Charts 357
The most extensive and reliable data available on Axis submarine victories are presented in this comprehensive reference. First published in 1983 and now revised to reflect information recently uncovered, the book is the product of years of research by Jürgen Rohwer, a leading expert in the field. Taken from widely dispersed sources, the information offers a detailed compilation of German, Italian, Japanese, Romanian, Finnish, and Vichy-French submarine successes and claims against Allied and neutral ships in every theater of the war at sea. Each entry gives the date of the attack; the nationality, name, and commander of the attacking submarine; a reference map with the precise location of the attack; and the type, tonnage, nationality, and name of ship sunk. Additional information, aimed at resolving controversial claims and clarifying previously inexact data, is also provided. Separating fact from wartime propaganda and myth, the book will serve as an indispensable guide to submarine operations and military and merchant shipping losses.

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