Weapons of the Waffen SS
Author: S. Hart,
R. Hart, Paul Wood
Publisher: Motorbooks(MBI) International
ISDN : 0760306834
Hardcover - 176 pages (April 1999)
Dimensions (in inches): 0.72 x 9.73 x 7.70
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
Chapter 1- Small Arms
- Chapter 2 - Infantry Support Weapons
Chapter 3 - Anti-tank and Anti-aircraft Weapons
Chapter 4 - Armoured Cars and Halftracks
- Chapter 5 - Light and Medium Tanks
Chapter 6 - Panther and Tiger Tanks
Chapter 7 - SP Guns and Tank Destroyers
Chapter 8 - Artillery
- Total pages : 176 pages
This book covers the main weapons used
by the Waffen SS during World war 2. It`s very well illustrated
with photos and drawings of the weapons. It`s not a book that studies
the subject in depth so you donīt have to be an expert to appreciate
The Waffen-SS was one of the finest fighting forces of world War
II, but what is often forgotten is that its military record was
due in no small measure to the hardware it was allocated. Weapons
and Fighting Tactics of the Waffen-SS redresses the balance
and examines in detail the military equipment used by Hitler's elite
in World War II, and how they were used on the battlefield by Hitler's
Praetorian Guard.
Weapons and Fighting
Tactics of the Waffen-SS lists all the most important types
of' small arms, support weapons, anti-tank weapons, and armored
personnel carriers employed by the death's head soldiers between
1939 and 1945. Each major weapon featured in the book is accompanied
by a detailed artwork (many of which are cutaways) and a specifications
table giving caliber, weight, length , range, feed, and muzzle velocity
(all weights and measures in imperial and metric). However, the
book is far more than a simple compendium of specifications It looks
at how the weapons were used by the Waffen-SS in action, including
the 88mm Pak 43, the deadly '88' which took an awesome toll of Russian
tanks on the Eastern Front. Weapons and Fighting Tactics of the
Waffen-SS also includes accounts of the SS anti-tank aces in
action, such as Remi Schrijnen who in one action with his Pak 40
gun single-handedly destroyed seven Red Army tanks.
Above all, the elite divisions of the Waffen-SS, such as Das Reich,
Totenkopf, Wiking, and the Leibstandarte, are associated with armored
fighting vehicles - panzers. Weapons and Fighting Tactics of
the Waffen-SS therefore has detailed chapters of the panzers
used by the Waffen-SS, such as tile Panzer III, Panzer IV, Panther
and tile mighty Tiger and King Tiger. It explains and analyzes the
SS armored tactics, such as the armored wedge, the Panzerkeil, and
tank-destroying tactics. Read about the actions of' the great panzer
aces, such as Ernst Barkmann and the greatest ace of all, Michael
Wittmann. From the MP 40 submachine gun to the massive King Tiger
tank, Weapons and Fighting Tactics of the Waffen-SS is a
complete and comprehensive record of the deployment and use of the
hardware in the service of the armed SS.