Jane's War at Sea 1897-1997 (Serial)
Author: Bernard
Ireland, Eric Grove, Ian Drury
Hardcover - 320 pages (November 1997) Harpercollins;
ISBN: 0004720652
Dimensions (in inches): 0.97 x 11.38 x 9.02
Table of Contents:
Fred T Jane and Fighting Ships Richard Brooks
Bernard Ireland
Chapter 1 The Royal Navy and Fred T. Jane
Bernard Ireland
Chapter 2 The Major Players in 1897
Bernard Ireland
Chapter 3 Warship Design 1850-1914
Bernard Ireland
Chapter 4 The Drift to War
Bernard Ireland
Chapter 5 World War I
Bernard Ireland
Chapter 6 Between the Wars
Dr Eric Grove
Chapter 7 World War II
Dr Eric Grove
Chapter 8 Navies in the Nuclear Age
Dr Eric Grove
Chapter 9 Modern Navies
Dr Eric Grove
Chapter 10 Naval Warfare 1945-97
Dr Eric Grove
First published in 1897, Jane's All the Worlds Fighting
Ships (later shortened to Fighting Ships) established Jane's as
the premier military publisher in the world. For 100 years, it has
stood as the definitive guide to ship recognition and naval intelligence,
and today this $300.00 publication is indispensable to more than
180,000 military and government readers.
This centenary edition offers aficionados affordable
access to Fighting Ships extensive archives of data and artwork.
In its pages are photographs, descriptions, specifications, and
schematics of the great warships that shaped history and captured
people's imaginations, like the dreaded battleship Bismarck, the
USS Ticonderoga, HMS Courageous, the Yamato, and the USS Enterprise.
From the heyday of the ironclad to the era of the dreadnought battleships
to the age of air power that made the carrier rule supreme, from
the wolfpack U-boats to the ultra-stealthy nuclear boomers, this
remarkable resource examines the evolution in warship design that
occurred as a result of technological and tactical developments
and reveals what the next generation of warships will look like.
Featuring numerous articles by a fleet of leading naval officers
and historians, including Admiral of the Fleet Sir Henry Leach (ret.),
Jane's Fighting Ships, Centenary Edition is the ultimate reference
for all military buffs and anyone interested in naval affairs or
maritime history.