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The Battleship Fuso
: Fuso (Anatomy of the Ship Series)

Author: Janusz Skulski
276 pages (March 1999)
United States Naval Inst.;
ISBN: 1557500460 ;
Dimensions (in inches): 0.94 x 10.33 x 9.74


Table of Contents

Career Summary
The loss of HIJMS Fuso
Main armament
Construction of the gun barrel
Construction of turret mounting
Recuperation and recoil mechanism
Comparison between Vickers-type and
41-shiki turrets
Modernisation of the 41-shiki turret in
1930-1933 main refit
Secondary armament
High-angle guns
12.7cm (5in) 40-calibre HA gun
12.7cm ammunition
Light anti-aircraft armament
13.2 ammunition
Arrangement of 25mm machine guns
.25 ammunition
Torpedo armament
Fire-control arrangements
Aircraft Equipment
Radar Equipment
Modernisations of HIJMS Fuso
Colour schemes
Aircraft colours



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Reviewer: Mike Connelley from Santa Clara, CA, USA
This latest installment of the Anatomy of the Ship Series focuses on the Battleship Fuso. Like the earlier books on the Takao and Yamato, this book covers practically every detail on this ship from the deck planking to the 14" barrel rifeling. Unlike the Yamato, the Fuso had a long life and went through several refits which drastically altered her appearance. These changes are doculmented in the photographs and drawings which point out which changes were made when. Nevertheless the majority of the drawings tend to focus on her appearance later in her service life. The one problem with this book, a major problem especially for the model builder, is that none of the drawings in the book are to the scale which is printed with the drawing. This was not a problem with the Yamato book, and I can only assume this is the publisher's fault since Skulski's work is very thorough to say the least. Thankfully, nearly all the drawings have at least one labeled dimension so one can calculate the actual scale of each drawing on his/her own if he/she so desires. Despite this flaw, this book is a terrific source of information on this class of ships which (like the Yamato book) is not likely to be surpassed any time soon.

Reviewer: wonderrat
With the publication of this third book in the Anatomy of the Ship series, Janusz Skulski has produced one of the best single references on any Japanese naval vessel. Most of the best sources for the IJN are unaccessible to the average reader due to language difficulites and Skulski does an admirable job in acccessing Japanese sources. This is an excellect modeler's reference and the drawings are finely detailed; I would give this book five stars if only there were not so many errors in captioning (for examples, please refer to the previous review). There are some mismatched captins, errors in scale, and a badly malformed drawing of the Fuso's mainmast (I forget which page it's on), but don't let these problems put you off in buying the book. Now I wish Janusz Skulski can do more IJN books! Let's see, some books on the Japanese carriers at Pearl Harbor would do for a start. How about a book on the seaplane ccruiesr Mogami? Or a book on the destroyer Yukikaze (took part in almost all of the major actions of the war and survived until 1970 in the service of the Taiwanese Navy).


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