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Navies of World War 2

Author: Anthony Preston
Publisher: PRC Publishing Ltd
ISDN : ?????
Published : 1989, 1998

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
    • The Royal Navy 1939-41
    • The Italian and French Navies
    • Naval Operations ( September 1939- December 1941)
    • The German Navy
    • The US Navy
    • The Imperial Japanes navy
    • The Battle of the Atlantic
    • Amphibious Warfare
    • Midway to Okinawa
    Conclusion / index / acknowledgements
  • Total pages : 221 pages
The role of Allied naval forces in World I War 11 was decisive. The invasion of Europe in 1944 could only have been made possible by the maintenance of a continuing flow of food and war materiel across the Atlantic. Germany almost won the Battle of the Atlantic with the U-Boat campaign by March 1943. If the flow of goods to Britain had been cut off, the opening of a second front in Europe would have been impossible. But the convoys, destroyer escorts, and cruisers of the Royal Navy and the US Navy won out, making the amphibious assault on Normandy possible. To an even greater extent, in the war in the Pacific the American Navy, having stopped the Imperial Japanese Navy at the battles of the Coral Sea and Midway, slowly and inexorably, through naval and aerial actions and amphibious assaults, broke through the ring of islands forming the defense perimeter of Japan. Once the Philippine campaign had been launched the attack on the Japanese home islands was possible, an attack only halted after the effects of two atomic bombs forced Japan to surrender. In Navies of World War 2 - An Illustrated History, Antony Preston, a distinguished naval historian, brilliantly and dramatically tells the story of the ships, weapons, and men that stopped the advance of the Axis powers and then destroyed them, in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Mediterranean theatres of World War 2.


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