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All This Hell : U.S. Nurses Imprisoned by the Japanese

Authors: Evelyn M. Monahan, Rosemary Neidel-Greenlee

Hardcover - 264 pages (April 2000)
Univ Pr of Kentucky
ISBN: 0813121485
Dimensions (in inches): 0.97 x 9.34 x 6.60

Customers who bought this book also bought:

Table of Contents

Pacific Paradise
Paradise Lost
Descent into Hell
The Other Alamo
From the Frying Pan into the Fire
The Tunnel and the Rock
The City of Hell
Life along the River Styx
Hunger in the Heart of Hell
Home at Last

Book Description
Inside flap More than one hundred U.S. Army and Navy nurses were stationed in Guam and the Philippines at the beginning of World War II. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, five navy nurses on Guam became the first American military women of World War II to be taken prisoner by the Japanese. More than seventy army nurses survived five months of combat conditions in the jungles of Bataan and Corregidor before being captured, only to endure more than three years in prison camps. In all, nearly one hundred nurses became POWs. Many of these army nurses were considered too vital to the war effort to be evacuated from the Philippines. Though receiving only half the salary of male officers of the same rank, they helped establish outdoor hospitals and treated thousands of casualties despite rapidly decreasing supplies and rations. After their capture, they continued to care for the sick and wounded throughout their internment in the prison camps. This account of the nurses' imprisonment adds a vital chapter to the history of American personnel in the Pacific theater. Lt. Col. Madeline Ullom, one of the captured nurses, remarked, "Even though women were not supposed to be on the front lines, on the front lines we were. Women were not supposed to be interned either, but it happened to us. People should know what we endured. People should know what we can endure." When freedom came, the U.S. military ordered the nurses to sign agreements with the government not to discuss their horrific experiences. Evelyn Monahan and Rosemary Neidel-Greenlee have conducted numerous interviews with survivors and scoured archives for letters, diaries, and journals to uncover the heroism and sacrifices of these brave women. The authors' dedication to accuracy, combined with their personal expertise in medical care and military culture and discipline, has enabled them to produce a realistic reconstruction of the dramatic experiences of these POWs--All This Hell.


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